Develop your presence in emerging markets

Controlled expansion in high-growth markets, supported by a comprehensive business development expertise.

Producing profitable and sustainable growth for Swiss and European entrepreneurs

Business development expertise at the service of controlled expansion in difficult markets.

A proven method to tailor business development to the unique situation and potential of each company.


What we deliver

Controlled growth potential, from planning to first meetings with prospects.

Our experience
and expertise

Expansion planning

Prospecting, introductions

Financing assistance

Development of communications campaigns

Digital marketing, public relations

Partner search and audit

Risk analysis, scenario planning

Value proposition creation


For You,

Sustainable and profitable growth in high-growth markets, thanks to comprehensive business development expertise.
Votre allié pour un essor pérenne dans les marchés émergents, grace à une expertise approfondie en développement d’affaires et en financement de projet.

Find Us

Main Office
Rue des Vignerons 1B, 1110 Morges, Suisse
+41 79 514 22 83

Ⓒ 2024 Magellan Marketing SA